Monday, July 6, 2009

Diving Board Exercise

This is a diving board exercise that I did recently,
I'm happy with the results!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Walk up the steps... Jump off the steps!

I actually did this before the previous post. Again,
just mixing up a walk, and adding a little jump off.

Walkin Of a Ledge!

Another little exercise, with Lt. Dan. The thought
be hide this was to do a simple little double bounce
walk, with a cartoon drop off a ledge type action....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

First Pull Test

This is my first shot at animating a character
pulling a heavy object.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Moom Walk

This is a small walk that I did this afternoon. Out of
the full biped characters I've animated walks for, I like
this one the best... It seems the most complete out of the....
Two? Yeah, well this is the second I have posted, there
have been several failed attempts, but its all in the plus

This rig was made by Ramtin Ahmadi, I wish I could
find a URL, but no luck... You can google Moom
Characater Rig, and you'll find several different verions
of the character.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mind Powers

This is a small exercise I did today... I wanted
the character to look like he was crushing
something with his mind, kinda Magneto ish.
I'm ok with it so far, this is the second go at it...
You are seeing the better of the two.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

You! Bring it!

This is meant to be a little taunt action.
I like the way it turned out, this is a more
simplified version of what I originally had
in mind, I like this one much better.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Second Animation

The is the second animation I did with Tim Oberlander's
Basic Guy. The exercise was to make the character start
slow and end fast. I decided to do a little sneaky step with
with a fast ending with some jiggle do to the ending.

Run and Jump

This is a little animation of the Basic Guy jumping
over a gap between two buildings. Over all I'm pretty
happy with it, the landing could be better I think, but
it will do for now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thug Rig

This a character that I've been rigging in Maya. The Rig is about done, so I should be binding soon.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Jump, with a little Kick!

I'm trying to work on a little hold in mid air when the
legs kick out, its getting there, hopefully...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

So who did the characters????

Glad you asked!

The characters are made and rigged by two different individuals. Lt. Dan (the blue two legged ball guy) was made by Matt Ornstein, you can check Matt and all his awesomeness at, he's quite amazing to say the least.

Basic Guy was made by Tim Oberlander, you can give his goods (demo reel) a look see over at, he's quite dreamy as well.


High Step'n Stomp

Sneaky Step